Papers of Charles George Douglas Roberts [manuscript], 1893, 1935, n.d.


Papers of Charles George Douglas Roberts [manuscript], 1893, 1935, n.d.

"Peril among the Pearls": author's manuscript of a short story telling how a pearl diver, with foot held fast by a gigantic clam, is attacked by a huge turtle which he finally kills and is drawn to the surface with the dead turtle hanging to his helmet. Includes cover letter from Roberts asking editor of St. Nicholas to please return manuscript if he doesn't care for it; also includes publisher's and readers' assessments of manuscript. All items are pasted in a leatherbound volume. "Dan," a story about a dog, together with a letter to the editor of the Youth's Companion, pasted in a paper covered volume. Letter to Russell asks "how does my dear bear story strike you?" describing it as one of "the best things I've done" and also inquires about receiving "a cheque by Friday morning." Letter to Chapman concerns copyrights and serialization with a postscript mentioning he has just "received from the King the honour of knighthood." Wolf! Wolf!: typescript copy of a suspenseful short story of a woodsman taking the carcass of a deer he has killed back to his cabin, while a pack of hungry wolves stalks him, eager to snatch his prize. Whittier: fair copy of a 4-line rhymed stanza praising the poet: "He hated wrong the old heroic way/He loved the wronger at his Lord's behest;" also included is a photograph of Charles D. G. Roberts, credit Rogers, New York. An epithaph for a husbandman: fair copy of a poem on a dead farmer.

8 items.

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